98 research outputs found

    Impulsive Flocking of Dynamical Multiagent Systems with External Disturbances

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    Flocking motion of multiagent systems is influenced by various external disturbances in complex environment. By applying disturbance observer, flocking of multiagent systems with exogenous disturbances is studied. Based on the robust features of impulsive control, a distributed impulsive control protocol is presented with disturbance observer, and flocking motion of multiagent systems is analyzed. Moreover, a sufficient condition is obtained to ensure the flocking motion of multiagent systems following a leader. Finally, simulation results show the validity of the theoretical conclusion

    Bipartite containment of heterogeneous multi-agent systems under denial-of-service attacks: a historical information-based control scheme

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    A distributed control scheme based on historical information is designed to solve the problem of stable control of multi-agent systems under denial of service (DoS) attacks in this article. It achieves the control objective of bipartite output containment control, that is, the output states of the followers smoothly enter the target area. The control scheme updates the states of followers through historical information in the control protocol when agents are subjected to DoS attacks. A distributed state observer with a storage module is designed to efficiently estimate the state of followers and store the observed information as history information. The historical information of control protocol calls is not necessarily the real state information in the existence of DoS attacks. Consequently, a closed-loop feedback state compensator is designed. Then, the state compensator is converted from the time domain to the frequency domain for stability analysis using the Nyquist criterion. It is obtained that an upper bound on the amount of historical information can achieve the bipartite output trajectories containment of the controlled system. The output trajectories of the followers converge into two dynamic convex hulls, one of which is surrounded by multiple leaders, and the other is a convex hull with opposite signs of the leaders. Finally, a numerical simulation is used to verify the proposed control scheme, and the operability of the scheme is further demonstrated in a physical experiment

    Analiza pojave uočljivih mjesta na taftiranom tepihu uzrokovanih zastojem stroja

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    Uočljiva mjesta zaustavljanja na taftiranom tepihu uslijed zastoja kod izrade važan je čimbenik koji utječe na kvalitetu tepiha. Učljiva mjesta zaustavljanja na taftirnom tepihu usko su povezana s promjenom napetosti pređe tijekom neispravnog zaustavljanja rada stroja za taftiranje i svojstvima pređe. U ovom radu se razmatraju mogućnosti eliminircije pojave ovih mjesta nastalih zaustavljanjem pri izradi taftiranog tepiha. Fokusirajući se na stroj za taftiranje, ukratko su opisani njegovi dijelovi za taftiranje i temeljna načela izrade taftiranog tepiha. Konstruiran je model puta prolaza pređe u tipičnom procesu taftiranja koji integrira dijelove opskrbljivanja, odnosno dovođenja pređe, vodiče pređe i igle za taftiranje. Analizirana je promjena napetosti pređe ovisno o promjeni puta prolaza pređe. Viskoelastični model s četiri elementa upotrijebljen je za analizu veze između napetosti i deformacije polipropilenske pređe. Svojstva deformacije (puzanja) polipropilenske pređe pod određenom napetosti određena su eksperimentima. Na temelju promjena napetosti pređe u različitim radnim položajima igle za taftiranje predložena je prihvatljiva metoda eliminiranja pojave uočljivih mjesta kod koje se zaustavljanje i ponovno pokretanje stroja odvija u najviÅ”em položaju. Rezultatima se dokazalo da je predložena metoda djelotvorna i izvediva

    Mechanical properties of in-situ synthesis of Ti-Ti3Al metal composite prepared by selective laser melting

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    Titanium composite strengthened by Ti3Al precipitations is considered to be one of the excellent materials that is widely used in engineering. In this work, we prepared a kind of Ti-Ti3Al metallic composite by in-situ synthesis technology during the SLM (selective laser melting) process, and analyzed its microstructure, wear resistance, microhardness, and compression properties. The results showed that the Ti-Ti3Al composite, prepared by in-situ synthesis technology based on SLM, had more homogeneous Ti3Al-enhanced phase dispersion strengthening structure. The grain size of the workpiece was about 1 Ī¼m, and that of the Ti3Al particle was about 200 nm. Granular Ti3Al was precipitated after the aluminum-containing workpiece formed, with a relatively uniform distribution. Regarding the mechanical properties, the hardness (539 HV) and the wear resistance were significantly improved when compared with the Cp-Ti workpiece. The compressive strength of the workpiece increased from 886.32 MPa to 1568 MPa, and the tensile strength of the workpiece increased from 531 MPa to 567 MPa after adding aluminum. In the future, the combination of in-situ synthesis technology and SLM technology can be used to flexibly adjust the properties of Ti-based materials

    Neurometabolic and structural alterations of medial septum and hippocampal CA1 in a model of post-operative sleep fragmentation in aged mice: a study combining 1H-MRS and DTI

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    Post-operative sleep disturbance is a common feature of elderly surgical patients, and sleep fragmentation (SF) is closely related to post-operative cognitive dysfunction (POCD). SF is characterized by sleep interruption, increased number of awakenings and sleep structure destruction, similar to obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Research shows that sleep interruption can change neurotransmitter metabolism and structural connectivity in sleep and cognitive brain regions, of which the medial septum and hippocampal CA1 are key brain regions connecting sleep and cognitive processes. Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) is a non-invasive method for the evaluation of neurometabolic abnormalities. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) realizes the observation of structural integrity and connectivity of brain regions of interest in vivo. However, it is unclear whether post-operative SF induces harmful changes in neurotransmitters and structures of the key brain regions and their contribution to POCD. In this study, we evaluated the effects of post-operative SF on neurotransmitter metabolism and structural integrity of medial septum and hippocampal CA1 in aged C57BL/6J male mice. The animals received a 24-h SF procedure after isoflurane anesthesia and right carotid artery exposure surgery. 1H-MRS results showed after post-operative SF, the glutamate (Glu)/creatine (Cr) and glutamate + glutamine (Glx)/Cr ratios increased in the medial septum and hippocampal CA1, while the NAA/Cr ratio decreased in the hippocampal CA1. DTI results showed post-operative SF decreased the fractional anisotropy (FA) of white matter fibers in the hippocampal CA1, while the medial septum was not affected. Moreover, post-operative SF aggravated subsequent Y-maze and novel object recognition performances accompanied by abnormal enhancement of glutamatergic metabolism signal. This study suggests that 24-h SF induces hyperglutamate metabolism level and microstructural connectivity damage in sleep and cognitive brain regions in aged mice, which may be involved in the pathophysiological process of POCD

    Label-free protein quantitation using liquid crystal-enhanced optofluidic biosensor

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    Protein detection plays an important role in the medical research. Liquid crystals (LCs), as a class of sensitive materials, exhibit a promising ability in the biosensing field. Herein, we exploited an ultrasensitive biosensor for protein detection, employing the whispering-gallery-mode (WGM) from the LC-amplified optofluidic micro-resonator. The biomolecules can trigger both light-matter interactions and the orientation transitions of LC molecules. The WGM spectral wavelength shift was recorded as the sensing indicator, and a detection limit of 15 fM for bovine serum albumin (BSA) was achieved. Our LC-amplified optofluidic biosensor provides a new solution for the ultrasensitive, real-time, and stable biological detection

    Circumstellar Medium Interaction in SN 2018lab, A Low-Luminosity II-P Supernova observed with TESS

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    We present photometric and spectroscopic data of SN 2018lab, a low luminosity type IIP supernova (LLSN) with a V-band peak luminosity of āˆ’15.1Ā±0.1-15.1\pm0.1 mag. SN 2018lab was discovered by the Distance Less Than 40 Mpc (DLT40) SNe survey only 0.73 days post-explosion, as determined by observations from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). TESS observations of SN 2018lab yield a densely sampled, fast-rising, early time light curve likely powered by circumstellar medium (CSM) interaction. The blue-shifted, broadened flash feature in the earliest spectra (<<2 days) of SN 2018lab provide further evidence for ejecta-CSM interaction. The early emission features in the spectra of SN 2018lab are well described by models of a red supergiant progenitor with an extended envelope and close-in CSM. As one of the few LLSNe with observed flash features, SN 2018lab highlights the need for more early spectra to explain the diversity of flash feature morphology in type II SNe
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